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Samstag, 27. Juli 2024 @ 06:00 CEST

File Listing: There are 626 files in our database

4e4th 6
IRC Chat Logs 343
Linuxtag 4
Mikrocontroller Verleih 2
Sonstiges 33
Tagungen 36
EuroForth 2016, Neuenkirchen 2009
Vierte Dimension 192
Listings, PDF-Archiv ist nun im Wiki, WaveEngine
volksForth revival 10

Latest Listing:

Category: IRC Chat LogsSubmitted by: : bernd 
 Forth net2o Log vom 21. April 2016    Popular"
Forth net2o Log vom 21. April 2016
Ver:   Date: 04.28.16   Rating: 0.00  939   45,04 KB  
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Category: IRC Chat LogsSubmitted by: : bernd 
 Forth net2o Log vom 28. April 2016    Popular"
Forth net2o Log vom 28. April 2016
Ver:   Date: 04.28.16   Rating: 0.00  915   19,14 KB  
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Category: SonstigesSubmitted by: : mk    Popular"
zip file - Tings workshop. rename aa to zip
Ver:   Date: 04.14.16   Rating: 0.00  1312   78,45 KB  
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Category: SonstigesSubmitted by: : mk    Popular"
zip file - Tings workshop. rename aaa to zip
Ver:   Date: 04.14.16   Rating: 0.00  1359   1,73 MB  
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Category: IRC Chat LogsSubmitted by: : bernd 
 Forth net2o Log vom 31. März 2016    Popular"
Forth net2o Log vom 31. März 2016
Ver:   Date: 04.08.16   Rating: 0.00  918   18,62 KB  
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Category: IRC Chat LogsSubmitted by: : bernd 
 Forth net2o Log vom 7. April 2016    Popular"
Forth net2o Log vom 7. April 2016
Ver:   Date: 04.08.16   Rating: 0.00  886   31,96 KB  
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Category: 4e4thSubmitted by: : mk 
 wireless-4e4th    Popular"
Skizze zeigt wie ein Terminal im PC via USB-serieller Wandler über ein Funkmodul mit dem MSP430G2553 verbunden werden kann. 1 Seite PDF.
Ver:   Date: 03.30.16   Rating: 0.00  1387   497,32 KB  
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Category: IRC Chat LogsSubmitted by: : bernd 
 Forth net2o Log vom 10. März 2016    Popular"
Forth net2o Log vom 10. März 2016
Ver:   Date: 03.25.16   Rating: 0.00  918   22,94 KB  
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Category: IRC Chat LogsSubmitted by: : bernd 
 Forth net2o Log vom 17. März 2016    Popular"
Forth net2o Log vom 17. März 2016
Ver:   Date: 03.25.16   Rating: 0.00  920   29,04 KB  
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Category: IRC Chat LogsSubmitted by: : bernd 
 Forth net2o Log vom 24. März 2016    Popular"
Forth net2o Log vom 24. März 2016
Ver:   Date: 03.25.16   Rating: 0.00  877   23,64 KB  
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