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Freitag, 14. März 2025 @ 06:40 CET

EuroForth 2013 in Hamburg - 27-29.9.2013

ArchivAnmeldeschluss für die EuroForth-2013-Konferenz ist der 25. August!

Alle Forth-Interessierten sollten ernsthaft überlegen, ob sie nicht die Gelegenheit ergreifen und zu diesem spannenden internationalen Forth-Treffen in das schöne Hamburg kommen wollen.

Hier noch einmal die Einladung (vom 4. Juli):

Dear Forth enthusiast,

I would like to invite you to attend the 29th euroForth conference on the Forth Programming Language and Forth Processors, the 
international annual get-together of the Forth Community from

Friday, September 27th until Sunday, September 29th
at Haus Rissen, Hamburg, Germany

with the traditional 4th day as an option until Monday and preceeding "Forth 200X" standard days on Wednesday and Thursday.

As always, the conference is open to any Forth related topic:
Forth compilation techniques, advances in platform independence, stack based architectures, compilation techniques for stack 
based architectures, real-time and embedded systems solutions ...

You can contribute by presenting a Paper (20 minutes), by presenting a Poster, or by hosting a Workshop.

If you mail your paper (< 15 pages) by September 21st  in PDF format to it will be included in the conference handouts. 
This is also the deadline for workshop requests.

And, as always, spontaneous contributions will be given ample space and time.

This year, you must register one month in advance by August 25th at the latest.

There is only a very limited number of double rooms available. Therefore, you should hurry up if you intend to come with your 

See: for the most up-to-date information.

I hope to see your there :)

Klaus Schleisiek

This years euroForth office:
Klaus Schleisiek, c/o SEND GmbH, Rostocker Str. 20, D-20099 Hamburg, Germany
Fon: +49 40 180362341  Fax: +49 40 180362349  Mail:


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