EuroForth 2006 Participation call

This year the Euroforth conference is being held at the University of Cambridge from September 15th-17th.
There is already plenty of interest and we have papers for both the academic and industrial streams. As well as being a prestigious university centre, Cambridge is a gorgeous place for a conference. ...
Apart from a strong technical program, the social program will include punting on the river and visits to other colleges, some of whose buildings date back to the 14th century, yet sit alongside examples of the best modern architecture in the UK.
It is easy to access, being just a few miles from Stansted Airport, the favoured airport for low cost airlines, but also has good road and rail connections to London, Birmingham and Heathrow. ...Included in the Conference fees are 2 days full board at Sidney Sussex College, in the centre of the city with a formal dinner in the Old Library of the College, and all refreshments during sessions. Accommodation can be with or without en-suite facilities and there are a number of double rooms available for delegates who are accompanied by their partners.
As usual there will be the option of staying for a "4th Day" until Monday 18th for additional networking time and allowing delegates to see more of the area. In addition on the Thursday14th September immediately preceding the conference, will be meetings relating to the Forth 200X Standard.
I give below the timetable for papers, but delegates without papers to present will be equally welcome:
July 4: Deadline for draft papers (academic stream)
August 4: Notification of acceptance of academic stream papers
September 4: Deadline for camera-ready paper submission
(academic and industrial stream)
For information on requirements please contact Anton Ertl
September 14-15: Forth200x meeting
September 15-17: EuroForth 2006
I very much hope to see you in Cambridge in September,
Meanwhile, please contact me for any additional information.
Janet Nelson (Mrs)
tel: +44 1989 768080,
fax: +44 1989 768163
Useful links:
Sidney Sussex college
Stansted Airport
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