\\ Startup: Load Standard System                     cas 10nov05

This file contains commands to create a full volksFORTH from the

The new system will be saved as "VOLKS4TH.COM".

If needed this file must be adapted with the simple editor in
MINIMAL.COM to create a volksFORTH that can work with not
100% compatible display hardware.

\ System LOAD-Screen for MS-DOS volksFORTH           cas 11nov05
Onlyforth    warning off

include asm.fb
include extend.fb
include multi.vid
include dos.fb
include tasker.fb
include timer.fb
include tools.fb
include editor.fb
include graphic.prn

warning on clear status on .status
savesystem volks4th.com bell
.( new system saved as VOLKS4TH.COM ) cr