\ Extended-Decompiler for VolksForth cas 10nov05 This file contains the volksFORTH decompiler. The decompiler will convert FORTH code back to Sourcecode. Conditional words like IF THEN ELSE, BEGIN WHILE REPEAT UNTIL and DO LOOP +LOOP are identified and converted. The Decompiler cannot re-create comments, so please use comments in screens and view. Because: There is always one more bug! And to correct bug, nothing beats good commented sourcecode. Usage: SEE \ Extended-Decompiler for VolksForth LOAD-SCREEN ks 22 dez 87 Onlyforth Tools also definitions | : internal 1 ?head ! ; | : external ?head off ; 1 &18 +thru \\ Produces compilable Forth source from normal compiled Forth. These source blocks are based on the works of Henry Laxen, Mike Perry and Wil Baden volksFORTH version: U. Hoffmann \ detecting does> ks 22 dez 87 internal ' Forth @ 1+ dup @ + 2+ Constant (dodoes> : does? ( IP - f ) dup c@ $E9 ( jmp ) = swap 1+ dup @ + 2+ (dodoes> = and ; \ indentation. 04Jul86 Variable #spaces #spaces off : +in ( -- ) 3 #spaces +! ; : -in ( -- ) -3 #spaces +! ; : ind-cr ( -- ) ( col #spaces @ = ?exit ) cr #spaces @ spaces ; : ?ind-cr ( -- ) col c/l u> IF ind-cr THEN ; \ case defining words 01Jul86 : Case: ( -- ) Create: Does> swap 2* + perform ; : Associative: ( n -- ) Constant Does> ( n - index ) dup @ -rot dup @ 0 DO 2+ 2dup @ = IF 2drop drop I 0 0 LEAVE THEN LOOP 2drop ; \ branching 04Jul86 Variable #branches Variable #branch : branch-type ( n -- a ) 6 * pad + ; : branch-from ( n -- a ) branch-type 2+ ; : branch-to ( n -- a ) branch-type 4+ ; : branched ( adr type -- ) \ Make entry in branch-table. #branches @ branch-type ! dup #branches @ branch-from ! 2+ dup @ + #branches @ branch-to ! 1 #branches +! ; \\ branch-table: { type0|from0|to0 | type1|from1|to1 ... } \ branching 01Jul86 : branch-back ( adr type -- ) \ : make entry in branch-table & reclassify branch-type.) over swap branched 2+ dup dup @ + swap 2+ ( loop-start,-end.) 0 #branches @ 1- ?DO over I branch-from @ u> IF LEAVE THEN dup I branch-to @ = IF ['] while I branch-type ! THEN -1 +LOOP 2drop ; \ branching 01Jul86 : forward? ( ip -- f ) 2+ @ 0> ; : ?branch+ ( ip -- ip' ) dup 4+ swap dup forward? IF ['] if branched exit THEN ['] until branch-back ; : branch+ ( ip -- ip' ) dup 4+ swap dup forward? IF ['] else branched exit THEN ['] repeat branch-back ; : (loop)+ ( ip -- ip' ) dup dup @ ( loop,+loop ) branch-back -1 #branches +! 4+ ; : string+ ( ip -- ip' ) 2+ count + even ; : (;code+ ( ip -- ip' ) 2+ dup does? not IF 0= exit THEN 3+ ; \ classify each word 25Aug86 Forth &15 Associative: execution-class ] clit lit ?branch branch (do (." (abort" (;code (" (?do (loop (+loop unnest (is compile [ Case: execution-class+ 3+ 4+ ?branch+ branch+ 2+ string+ string+ (;code+ string+ 2+ 4+ 4+ 0= 4+ 4+ 2+ ; Tools \ first pass ks 22 dez 87 : pass1 ( cfa -- ) #branches off >body BEGIN dup @ execution-class execution-class+ dup 0= stop? or UNTIL drop ; : thru.branchtable ( -- limit start ) #branches @ 0 ; \ identify branch destinations. ks 22 dez 87 : ?.then ( ip -- ) thru.branchtable ?DO I branch-to @ over = IF I branch-from @ over u< IF I branch-type @ dup ['] else = swap ['] if = or IF -in ." THEN " ind-cr LEAVE THEN THEN THEN LOOP ; : ?.begin ( ip -- ) thru.branchtable ?DO I branch-to @ over = IF I branch-from @ over u< not IF I branch-type @ dup ['] repeat = swap ['] until = or IF ind-cr ." BEGIN " +in LEAVE THEN THEN THEN LOOP ; ( put "BEGIN" and "THEN" where used.) \ decompile each type of word 01Jul86 : .word ( ip -- ip' ) dup @ >name .name 2+ ; : .(word ( ip -- ip' ) dup @ >name ?dup 0= IF ." ??? " ELSE count $1f and swap 1+ swap 1- type space THEN 2+ ; : .inline ( val16b -- ) dup >name ?dup IF ." ['] " .name drop exit THEN . ; : .lit ( ip -- ip' ) 2+ dup @ .inline 2+ ?.then ; : .clit ( ip -- ip' ) 2+ dup c@ . 1+ ?.then ; : .string ( ip -- ip' ) .(word count 2dup type Ascii " emit space + even ?.then ; : .unnest ( ip -- 0 ) ." ; " 0= ; \ decompile each type of word 01Jul86 : .default ( ip -- ip' ) dup @ >name ?dup IF c@ $40 and IF ." [COMPILE] " THEN THEN .word ?.then ; : .['] ( ip -- ip' ) .(word dup @ 2- >name .name 2+ ?.then ; : .compile ( ip -- ip' ) .word .word ?.then ; \ decompiling conditionals 04Jul86 : .if ( ip nfa -- ip' ) ind-cr .name +in 4+ ?.then ; : .repeat ( ip nfa -- ip' ) -in .name ind-cr 4+ ?.then ; : .else ( ip nfa -- ip' ) -in ind-cr .name +in 4+ ; : .do ( ip nfa -- ip' ) ind-cr .(word +in 2+ ?.then ; : .loop ( ip nfa -- ip' ) -in .(word ind-cr 2+ ?.then ; 5 Associative: branch-class ' if , ' while , ' else , ' repeat , ' until , Case: .branch-class .if .else .else .repeat .repeat ; : .branch ( ip -- ip' ) #branch @ branch-type @ 1 #branch +! dup >name swap branch-class .branch-class ; \ decompile Does> ;code 04Jul86 : .(;code ( IP - IP' f) 2+ dup does? IF ind-cr ." DOES> " 3+ ELSE ." ;CODE " 0= THEN ; \ classify word's output 01Jul86 Case: .execution-class .clit .lit .branch .branch .do .string .string .(;code .string .do .loop .loop .unnest .['] .compile .default ; \ decompile colon-definitions 04Jul86 : pass2 ( cfa -- ) #branch off >body BEGIN ?.begin ?ind-cr dup @ execution-class .execution-class dup 0= stop? or UNTIL drop ; : .pfa ( cfa -- ) #spaces off +in dup pass1 pass2 ; : .immediate ( cfa - ) >name c@ dup ?ind-cr 40 and IF ." IMMEDIATE " THEN ?ind-cr 80 and IF ." RESTRICT" THEN ; : .: ( cfa - ) ." : " dup >name .name 3 spaces .pfa ; \ display category of word 01Jul86 external Defer (see internal : .does> ( cfa - ) ." DOES> " @ 1+ .pfa ; : .user-variable ( cfa - ) ." USER " dup >name dup .name 3 spaces swap execute @ u. .name ." ! " ; : .defer ( cfa - ) ." deferred " dup >name .name ." Is " >body @ (see ; : .other ( cfa - ) dup >name .name dup @ over >body = IF drop ." is Code " exit THEN dup @ does? IF .does> exit THEN drop ." is unknown " ; \ decompiling variables and constants ks 22 dez 87 : .constant ( cfa - ) dup >body @ u. ." CONSTANT " >name .name ; : .variable ( cfa - ) ." VARIABLE " dup >name dup .name 3 spaces swap >body @ u. .name ." ! " ; 5 Associative: definition-class ' quit @ , ' 0 @ , ' scr @ , ' base @ , ' 'cold @ , Case: .definition-class .: .constant .variable .user-variable .defer .other ; \ Top level of Decompiler ks 20dez87 external : ((see ( cfa -) #spaces off cr dup dup @ definition-class .definition-class .immediate ; ' ((see Is (see Forth definitions : see ' (see ;